Star trek online cardassian playable faction
Star trek online cardassian playable faction

star trek online cardassian playable faction star trek online cardassian playable faction

This backfires, however, as a mutant Hur'q kills the FC before she can give the order. Taking You with Me: He plants a Hur'q lure on the Founders' homeworld Empersa, and activates it when the Female Changeling tries to have him executed.Slow Clap: Gives an almost exaggerated one after Dukan'Rex smacks Weyoun when the Vorta defies Odo's orders to stand down and tries to shoot the protagonists.Rugan Skyl's entire characterization is " Smug Snake petty racist" and his lines were barely changed for Garak, so he sounds pretty badly out of character in those missions (especially in relation to the Bajorans). Orwellian Retcon: In a questionable case of this, Victory Is Life used him to replace Ambassador Rugan Skyl in several earlier missions ("Temporal Ambassador", "Second Wave", and "Surface Tension").

star trek online cardassian playable faction

The Chessmaster: He works behind the scenes during Victory Is Life, among other things sending Quark to the Karemman homeworld to gather intelligence.Ambadassador: He's a Cardassian legislator now, but hasn't lost any of his badassery since Deep Space Nine.Played by Andrew RobinsonElim Garak, "Former Cardassian Oppressor", is now a member of the Detapa Council and commands a squadron of Cardassian Civil Defense Force ships during Victory Is Life.

Star trek online cardassian playable faction